“Pick a Color & Freestyle” 10pc or 20pc ENE Hand or Toe Set

  • $40.00
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Want a Freestyle ENE Set with the selection of color, shape, and length by you and designed by me? “Pick a Color & Freestyle” was inspired by “Pick A Color”, which offers solid color ENEs without design. If you prefer the ENEs without the designs or freestyle that may be for you. “Pick a Color & Freestyle” is for those who want that flawless unique look along with designs and creativity that run wild in freestyle.

About 20pc ENEs

  • 20pc Hand sets and 22pc toe Sets does not require sizing. This Set comes with 2 of each size nail
  • Please note in the special notes any designs you don’t prefer, if any. Example; “I don’t like glitter”.


About 10pc ENEs

  1. Must include your nail sizes in the special notes for any 10pc hand or toe set. (Only way to know your sizes is with a ENE Sizing Kit).
  2. Type your nail sizes in the order of (Left Hand Thumb-Pinky and Right Hand Thumb-Pinky)
  3. Example; L 12345 R 12345. Or if they are both the same measurements, Type B(Both) and your nail sizes still Thumb-Pinky. Example; B 12345
  4. Name for each finger in the order of Thumb-Pinky; Thumb, Pointer, Middle, Ring, Pinky. This is for your knowledge.
  5. Please note in the special notes any designs you don’t prefer, if any. Example; “I don’t like glitter”.


**Disclaimer Regarding Color Chart**

There is a chance that the color you choose may be a shade or even a few shades different. I do my best to match the color you choose as close as possible but sometimes it may slightly differ. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.